Friday, December 7, 2018

Our Class Trip!!

Thank you to all the amazing parent help we had on our trip to Sumner Beach. We had so much fun!


  1. How wonderful it is to live on an island were we can visit the beach. There are so many wonderful adventures to have at the beach. It looks like you have discovered lots of interesting things to do at the beach. Great to see everyone wearing sunhats.

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  3. I was such a great day out with TP at Sumner beach. It was wonderful to hear how much the children remembered about how litter impacts the animals living in the sea. They had so many great thoughts and answers about the material presented. Miss C, Miss A and Miss L were very proud of their level of engagement, sense of adventure and fantastic behaviour. They were HEROs!

  4. What fun you are all having! You had a wonderful day exploring and learning how to protect all living things that share the ocean. Well done! So happy you remembered sunscreen :)


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