Tuesday, February 20, 2018

We are so proud of you Lucy! We just love celebrating achievements of children in Te Pihinga!!

Antler Cafe Spud in a bucket and Pumpkin competition.  Lucy got her seed potato and pumpkin seed last year and has been caring for them with lots of water.
Lucy won the heaviest and most beautiful categories for pumpkin growing.
We were all very excited for her.


  1. Hi there, My Name is Abby and I am a year 6 student from Yaldhurst Model School, this School. Well done Lucy.

    You must be really proud for what you have done.

    Next time you could maybe take a photo with each separately so people know more clearly which is which.

    This blog reminds me of when I got told you won 2 prizes.

    Did you enter any other pumpkins?

    Kind Regards, Abby.


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