Friday, June 28, 2019

Te Pihinga New Reporters!

Davis showed us where Hari Hari is on the map and why it is important to him. He goes to Hari Hari to visit his pop in his holidays.

Emma informed us about the hot weather that is happening over in Europe at the moment. Did you know zookeepers are feeding the animals frozen food to help keep them cool?

Jhyral presented and updated us on the All blacks and the rugby world cup. He is looking forward to the next world cup. 

Aashriya educated us on pollution and focused on water pollution. She told us that if we go to the beach and we see rubbish it is important to pick it up so it doesn't harm the sea animals.

Sean taught us about Tasmanian Devils and how they are endangered. They make a squeak sound. Sean informed us that here in Christchurch we have two 7 year old Tasmanian Devils and 4 more are coming to Orana Park today. Sean is very knowledgeable about Tasmanian Devils.

Friday, June 21, 2019

Superstar Spellers This Week! We all moved up another list

Te Pihinga News Reporters this week!

Sophia told us about Dancing with the stars and the winners Manu and Loryn. She found out about them by watching the news and writing all the information down. 

Lachlan told us about how his Dad went on a big plane to Sydney and what he did there. He went last Saturday. 

Ilahah prepared a speech for us and told us an amazing story about her tooth coming out and how the tooth fairy came.

Phoenix shared information about Beauden Barrett and how in 2018 he got a record of four tries against Australia.  

Zoe told us about her great great nana and how she came from Scotland to New Zealand when she was a child. Zoe told us how she is from the Macleod clan and how they have their own castle. The Castle is called Dunvegan castle. Its 800 years old. She even made Scottish shortbread to share with the class! It was so delicious! 

Friday, June 14, 2019

Class Reporters!

This week we had our first week at being reporters. We did an amazing job! 

Archie talked about the power cut he had his house last Sunday night. 

Piper shared her friends new song on Spotify “Better” by Sally. 

Austin told us all about Jessie Smith, who is a BMX rider. We watched a video of her riding.  

Leo talked about an article from the news. He told us about an incredible 90 year old who did a parachute jump! 

Oliver talked about his mum’s trip to Mt Everest Base camp. Oliver knew so many facts about Mt Everest. 

We are all looking forward to learning something from the next reporters next week! 

We moved up a spelling list!!

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Our certificate earners this week! Kai pai to everyone in Te Pihinga.

Publishing Thursday!

On Thursdays we get to choose our favourite stories and publish them. We can choose to either publish with our ipads or in our publishing books. The stories today are by Jaxon, Catherine, Kaylee and Mischa

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Making Connections in Reading

 Today Ilahah read the story 'Sally and the Sparrows' .
Ilahah noticed that we had lots of sparrows outside. 
Here is Ilahah feeding the sparrows bread just like Sally did in the story. 

Monday, June 10, 2019

News Reporters!! Instead of treasure sharing we are now having 5 Te Pihinga News Reporters

This card will come home on a Monday in your child's book bag if your child has been selected to be the news reporter for the following Friday!!

We Have enjoyed making plays using the characters from our big book!

We are sharing our plays back to the class.

Today we made characters from our big book, we are sharing our mini plays back to the class!